In my multi-year plan to transform lifestyle and focus, 2019 is the year designated for returning to the work place, an effort I’m now coming back to after a summer spent helping friends and family move to the area. Before diving back in, I thought I’d share some of the teachings that have been running through my mind as I peruse the job market. After stepping away for a few years from a lengthy career in healthcare project/program management, I now confront the tricky question that comes to many after awakening; how to reconnect to the working world from a very different state of mind.

Joseph Campbell
"The Power of Myth"
"If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be....People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive."

Dr. Julia Mossbridge
"Feeling Stuck? Here's An Exercise To Help You Discover Your Life's Purpose"
"Successfully bringing your gifts into the world has been called self-actualization by psychologist Abraham Maslow, who also emphasized the importance of self-transcendence...All intelligent and reasonably sane people, as long as they have their basic needs met, have the desire to achieve both self-actualization and self-transcendence. To do both is to pursue your calling...pursuing your calling is not logical—it's experimental. As a scientist, I see it as deeply scientific."
Ram Dass
"Discovering Your True Work Path"
"Many, many years ago, many incarnations back when I was a professor at Harvard, I used to run a course called “Career Decision Making.” It was interesting to start to lead with your wish list of how you would like to live, how you would like to serve, and then start to tune very, very slowly. If you have that option, you’ve got to be ready to fall on your face and make mistakes. That’s a very important part of this game of hearing your uniqueness. Because what you listen to until your mind is really clear is always colored by all these kinds of attitudes, prejudices, cultural preferences and so on."
Eckhart Tolle
"How Can I Find Work That Will Give Me Joy?"

"If you come into alignment with the present moment….there is an added dimension of aliveness that comes in….And it is often then that change comes into your life, when you align with the present moment instead of trying to get away from it….. You are so aligned that actually Power begins to flow through; that's why I call it the Power of Now. It is the Power of Life itself. And gradually the Universe, or Life, notices that you are in a different state of consciousness. And often it is then that change comes into your life, either through a chance event or chance encounter or sudden idea or realization…to fulfill your purpose on this planet and in this form which is to be a vehicle for consciousness to come into this world."
Alan Watts
"What If Money Was No Object?"
"What would you like to do if money were no object? How would you really enjoy spending your life?...If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time. You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living - that is, to go on doing things you don't like doing. Which is stupid!...And after all, if you do really like what you're doing… you can eventually become a master of it - it's the only way to become a master of something, is to be really 'with it'… But it's absolutely stupid to spend your time doing things you don't like, in order to go on spending on things you don’t like, doing things you don't like…it's all retch and no vomit, it never gets there."
Rupert Spira
"What Is The Right Job To Do?"
"It's natural ... to want to use the body-mind in the service of this love and understanding. For so long, the body-mind has been used in the service of the ego, trying to fulfill its impossible demands and fears. Now the ego is no longer in place, or at least is largely diminished and in its place - love, peace and understanding is in charge, is wanting to be expressed. And your body-mind is what you have been given to express that love and understanding, to share it, to bring it out into the world. So use your body-mind for that purpose. In relationships, in activities, in employment…"

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Julia Mossbridge

IONS website, LinkedIn

Julia Mossbridge, PhD is a neuroscientist interested in how time is perceived by the conscious and unconscious mind. She currently works as a visiting scientist with both IONS and Northwestern University and is also involved with the development of focus@will, a music app designed to focus attention. And because she apparently still had a spare 30 minutes in her day, Dr. Mossbridge recently founded the Mossbridge Institute, for which she is leading projects about teach and learning about love and time.
“We are in the midst of a sea change. Receding from view is materialism, whereby physical phenomena are assumed to be primary and consciousness is regarded as secondary. Approaching our sights is a complete reversal of perspective. According to this alternative view, consciousness is primary and the physical is secondary. In other words, materialism is receding and giving way to ideas about reality in which consciousness plays a key role." --Julia Mossbridge & Imants Baruss, 'Transcendent Mind: Rethinking the Science of Consciousness'
What's been helpful: In this culture, we split teachings on 'science' and 'spirit' into entirely different houses - literally and figuratively - and this divide reflects the choice many believe they must make in order to find answers to the deepest questions about life's meaning. What I instantly appreciated about Julia's SAND presentations was how she linked her scientific research in neuroscience to spiritual insights that followed. As someone who thought I was as going to have to confine myself to spiritual texts to explain my awakening, it was a relief to learn that many sciences are investigating consciousness and that some of these explorations are revealing the same profound truth and provoking the same genuine wonder and delight I experienced as part of awakening. This in turn revealed a whole other library of options for learning about consciousness, in addition to the spiritual texts. So though I've only seen a few of her lectures (video) and haven't yet read any of her books, I've added Julia to the 'Teachers' page in appreciation for how wonderfully she epitomized for me the power of science to amaze and inspire.

Science as a Spiritual Practice, Julia Mossbridge ~ Julia looks at how we speak about and teach science today and argues for applying the tools of spiritual practice when conducting scientific analysis.

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A Multidisciplinary Approach To Consciousness

A Physicist, A Buddhist And A Mathematician Walk Onto A Stage …

After experiencing a profound shift in awareness that is an awakening, I was eager for any and all information that could help me get a grip on what had happened. I have to say, I wasn’t expecting to find much content on ‘awakening’ or ‘source’, mostly because I’d never heard much about such things and I considered myself fairly well informed. So fully expecting to have to wander into the darker realms of the web and into the land of flashing-pink-click!-here!-blinking-blue websites, I started searching the net for information about ‘consciousness’.

Turns out, there’s a whole other world out there. One of scientists and spiritual teachers of all kinds coming together around an effort to bring forward a shared understanding of consciousness and reality. Fortunately for me, (Science and Nonduality) was the first such group I came across. Suddenly, I was awash in as much information as I could absorb about concepts like ‘non-dual’ (everything arises from a single consciousness) and ‘non-path pathway’ (accessing truths from all wisdom traditions). Suddenly, I found many people who could describe, in detail, the type of experience I had just encountered. An awakening, especially for those like myself who learn to swim by diving into the deep end, can feel a bit disorienting; finding groups!  of people who were all talking about an experience I now shared was oh-so-soothing to the psyche.

The following collection of videos will give you some idea of what I’m on about. These discussions and lectures introduce a number topics familiar to the non-dual student: The Good Friday Experiment; an explanation of the symbiotic relationship that created human cells; quantum entanglement; a demonstration of how consciousness creates reality in real-time; data suggesting the subconscious uses information from both the past and future to make decisions.

This stuff is so cool.

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